Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Day 1(Film)

 So, we wanted to copy the general mood that is shown in The Neighbor. We would want to pick a big building that would look imposing, and we could show this even more at certain angles. I felt it would be better to film at night, but our equipment was not up to the task. With a hopeful heart and phones at the ready, we set out to film.

We start to film- my "skillful" acting in full display. It's a little awkward, since I had no specific spots to look at. Just general directions. So, in close shots it may not appear the best it could be. We will have to do a lot of editing as the sun can be seen in the videos.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Shot list

     What we have so far in terms of the film opening is the following:

1) We are seen playing Hello Neighbor

2) We are transported into the game

3) We take a few seconds to reorient ourselves to the new setting

4) We walk around for some time

5) We start to hear noises that appear to be made by something of human nature

6) We see the neighbor, but he doesn't see us

7) He turns his head and sees us

8) We start to get chased

For 1, we could have a medium shot of us playing the game while it pans to an over the shoulder shot. After the camera stops moving continue with this shot for 10-15 seconds.

2, we show that something feels different, then in a POV shot we look from the tv to look down. Our hands could be shown over our heart or stomach to indicate something is wrong. Then we slowly dissipate and move into the game.

3, we pan the camera slowly left and right then behind. this is done in a shot taken from behind our back.

4, Then a long shot will show us walking around

5, In a mid-shot, we hear sounds, and we go to investigate

6, we see the neighbor from behind in a POV shot

7, He turns around, sees us 

8, he starts to chase us.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


        For audio, we can use various sounds to increase suspense. We could use a heartbeat slowly getting louder and louder. We could use a clock that ticks faster and faster. We could have sound, then suddenly have it stop before the attacks begin. We could also have loud audio have it stop for something like 5-10 seconds, then continuing it at the same volume.

        We could have audio of the characters interacting with the environment. Like the sound of someone running then tripping while trying to get as fast as possible. Any audio cues that would increase the suspense. A key thing would be to review the audio various time and get the audio length to the best it could be, not too short while not lasting longer than it should.

MIse-en-scene elements (lighting)


The lighting of the environment matters greatly. It could help give off the mood of the situation or give information of a character. A dark room with someone in it could suggest they want to be alone with their thoughts or they do not care enough to turn them on. It may also tell the audience that the things inside the room are not important to the story.

        A bright room could show the audience that the film creators want the audience to pay attention to the room and gather information on the type of person the character is. Lighting could also give information on the character's wellbeing. For example. Light showing a clear layer of dust in a room.

Mis-en-scene elements

    In terms of costume design, the types of clothes the character's wear could determine their personality. Baggy clothes and hoodies could show that they prefer to wear what they are most comfortable in. Jeans with a single-color t shirt could show they prefer simplicity. A dress shirt with dress pants could show that they like to look their best.


The types of clothes we use gives the audience an idea of the characters personality and overall demeanor. Props also determine what the person is like. We could use posters of bands to show that they are interested in a genre of music or toys and decorations give information to the audience

Friday, February 21, 2025

character development

         The scenes where we will develop the characters will be the scenes in the character's rooms. We could show each character's room as nice and neat or messy and very unorganized. Then we could base the character's attitudes based off of their rooms. Like the person with the messy room could be uncaring and the person with the neat room could be the leader or clear with their decision making.

        Besides the rooms and attitudes, we could also use the types of clothes they wear to show the kind of person they are. Like unfolded clothes all over the room shows that they do not care how they are perceived. A clean room would show that they care about other people's opinions. We could also use the lighting show how the characters want others to perceive them. a dark room or a room with little light coming in could show that they may be dealing with something, and it is taking too much time and as a result, they cannot keep their room well cared for. Another thing we could do is give the characters names with meaning like if we gave them a religious name, they could be religious in the film opening. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025


     One theory I would use is Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium. I would use this theory because change occurs in our idea for the film opening. Also, all stories need to have change to engage the audience throughout the story. I would show the character and how their home looks like to give the audience an idea of the type of person they are. Like if they are neat and organized or messy and what they are interested in to hook the audience into relating to the character more easily.

    The disequilibrium would occur when they are transported to the video game world, it would disrupt the characters life and show what goes on in the world. The end of the film opening would be part of the New Equilibrium, it would show a way to get back to the character's real world but not them returning. It would engage the audience, and they would want to watch the rest of them movie to see what happens and if the characters returned.

Day 1(Film)

 So, we wanted to copy the general mood that is shown in The Neighbor. We would want to pick a big building that would look imposing, and we...