Friday, February 21, 2025

character development

         The scenes where we will develop the characters will be the scenes in the character's rooms. We could show each character's room as nice and neat or messy and very unorganized. Then we could base the character's attitudes based off of their rooms. Like the person with the messy room could be uncaring and the person with the neat room could be the leader or clear with their decision making.

        Besides the rooms and attitudes, we could also use the types of clothes they wear to show the kind of person they are. Like unfolded clothes all over the room shows that they do not care how they are perceived. A clean room would show that they care about other people's opinions. We could also use the lighting show how the characters want others to perceive them. a dark room or a room with little light coming in could show that they may be dealing with something, and it is taking too much time and as a result, they cannot keep their room well cared for. Another thing we could do is give the characters names with meaning like if we gave them a religious name, they could be religious in the film opening. 

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Day 1(Film)

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