Sunday, February 9, 2025

Credit Sequences

Some films from that legal thriller genres, I felt could be used are The Firm (1993), A Few Good Men (1992), and The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)

I felt that the opening credits in The Firm were especially well made because it helped set the atmosphere and main theme of the movie. It sets the scene of corporate law, and the sound amplifies the theme of suspense.

A Few Good Men has a different version of the Star-Spangled Banner, which set the tone as patriotic or something to do with the military. Showing scenes that the military does help set the tone as a legal thriller that will include the military.

The Lincoln Lawyer had music that created a sort of energetic ring to it. The edits set the movie to show city life. Showing legal documents and things similar to it helped the set the theme of law.

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